Saturday 6 March 2010

España, aquí vengo!


"In Spain, the dead are more alive than the dead of any other country in the world."

It didn't take me very long until I would be jetting off again, did it? You guessed it, I'm off to Spain my faithful blog-readers! This is exciting on so many levels, you have no idea. As many of you would know, I've been itching to go to Spain (Germany was actually second choice for my Masters Degree) - for the love of Sangria, art, history, culture, flamenco, beaches, fiestas, bull fighting and tomato throwing. And well yeah, who am I trying to kid - for the love of Spanish men! "Hàblame en español, baaaby!"

Enrique can never escape my love...

I'll be jetting off in 2 weeks time during my week off before the craziness of Uni begins, joined by my high-school chum and fellow Japan trailblazer, Jessalyn. She's currently studying in Maastricht, Netherlands, so it worked out nicely for us both, namely with the budget airlines that route Europe. Total for airfares from Frankfurt - Madrid - Barcelona - Frankfurt ..? A measly 70 Euros! Amazeballs.

On Germany related news, I was having a hard time settling into the new surrounds this past week. QUT had actually berated me on this, saying that I was going to dip to a low insofar as loneliness and being nigel-no-friends, before peaking and possibly never wanting to leave. And it was demonstrated to us with a parabola diagram and everything, I kid you not. I guess I brushed that off a little too lightly because it's true, and it happens, and it's not nice.

I miss living in a full household and having friends there who I can irritate 24/7 and know that at the end of the day we still love each other long time. On top of that, I was dealing with a weird case of 'break-up' and leaving him was startlingly more difficult than I had thought since I had spent so much time with him over the past several months. But worry not amigos, I'm starting to find my feet as time passes by. Slowly and tediously, I'm finding some diamonds in the rough and it's making Darmstadt feel a lot more like home sweet home.

I promise next time I'll actually let you guys all know what I've been up to because there's so much I want to catch you all up on. For now, I'm tired, I haven't done my homework and my plants need watering.

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