Thursday 4 March 2010

Shower Your Mercy on Me


Jetlag still hasn't left me yet. I've got a curfew of a 6 yr. old school kid on a school night, and I'm waking up early enough to watch the Americans march during an olympic opening ceremony before watching the sun rise. It's frustrating feeling like a zombie at uni, and being dead to not only the day, but also the night.

However I always knew there was a greater purpose for everything bad that happens to me.

For the past two days, I've had men in clickity-clack boots marching through my dorm, hammering, tugging and cracking tiles in an attempt to restore cold water in my bathroom.. at 6:30am in the morning. Ludicrous! Thank god for Mr Jetlag being my personal alarm, which I can only assume would be much MUCH more pleasant then being woken up by "ish tsha gehnasha shti booshta rashca" and BAM BAM BAM. Oh and did I mention one of the plumbers has the Simpsons theme song as his mobile ring tone?

Here are some awesome before and after photos for your viewing:

Okay so I lied, the before photo is of the other bathroom but its basically the same. I just never realised I would've needed to take photos of my shower..

Due to this construction site (favourably occurring on the other side of the wall where my bed lies..), we've had no water coming to either of the bathrooms, except for our kitchen sink and one toilet. As such, I have been surviving like a poverty-stricken cherub. Bathing with a bucket and sponge, freezing my ass off as the water droplets freeze and dry up on my skin the moment of contact. Oh, and the hot water freezes over in a matter of minutes so total showering time? ... 1.3 minutes. FML.

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