Sunday 21 March 2010

Yo, Buzz Me.


How on this planet did I forget to mention a week ago that Stefan had finally returned home? He's the bees knees. Which I think means that he's the best. Why? Bees carry pollen back to their hives in sacks resting on their legs. It's tempting to explain the phrase as alluding to the concentrated goodness to be found around the bee's knees, but there's no evidence for this explanation.

Stefan in a past life

Anyway, upon his return I realised two things:

  1. A lot of the homesickness was because of the empty house - almost immediately after they all came back, I've been so content.
  2. I never had a fear of being by myself when I'm older, I now do.

The dorm has been flooded with life. I can't believe how famously we all mesh. Breakfast is now my favourite time of the day, I actually get up earlier so that I can join in on all the morning gaiety. Tonight Clara and Stefan are hosting a fondue party with friends from their class here which I'm super duper excited about. Both literally and figuratively speaking, it should be a messy night.

Forget love, I'd rather fall in chocolate.

Living next to us are four girls who Clara, Stef and Jakob are tight with (yo). I met a couple of the girls 2 nights ago when they held a BBQ to celebrate the celsius tickling 15 for the first time in 4 months. Barely understanding anything that was going on (they all speak in German on my request, I want to learn pronto!.. schneller!) their demeanour alone cracked me up - the girls are just hilarious. BBQ night: fun, fun, fun!

It's karaoke for the Brazilians and Mexicans on Thursdays and despite the fact that I'm Australian in nationality and Asian in appearance, I was invited - wootang! The Mexicans decided pre-drinks at Gonzalo's dorm in Karlshof. Shucks, I was the only girl there but I felt right at home. These guys are just always laughing and up for a good time. Best part is they don't try to get into my pants -- its fresh*. The whole night, again, I barely followed anything that was going on although I understood a lot more of the spanish than I had of the german so at least I gathered the general gist of the conversation. Few beers downed and no tequila shotting at all (shock horror), we headed to An Sibin for karaoke and met up with the Brazilians and a few of the Spanish for songs, sing-alongs and what else but more beer.

Topped a great night out with Germany's 3am alcohol sponger, a Turkish doner kebab - truly wunderbar!

*I have a pre-conceived idea of Mexican men being egotistical sleazeballs.. for no reason in particular, of course.

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