Friday 12 March 2010

Return of the Roomies


The past few days have been the best days of my life in all its simplicity. All week, I had been sitting at the door like a puppy dog, longingly staring out the window waiting for my owners to come home.

I know how you feel, man.

In the midst of my depression* and cries for help, Gamze had organised a bowling night (followed by a trip to the Aussie bar!) on Monday so that Johnny and I could meet another American and another Australian (Josh and Steph) who have been living here for several months now. Steph, who comes from Sydney, is very adorable, and we've been getting along great which I'm so happy about. She's introduced me to a few of her friends as well and the girls act just like my girls at home.. it's complacency like I've never known it.

Gamze and Germany's ridiculously huge cocktails!

Steph and Josh with Monday's half-priced cocktails

The string of good events for me had officially started off with Jakob returning from Spain on Tuesday. I was cleaning my room and when I heard a key turn in the door, I literally ran out to the kitchen and screamed in his face like a madwoman. It went a little something like this:

J: Hallo!
C: I'm so glad you're back, you have no idea! I've been so bored without you guys! The house was so empty. Man, it's so good to see you.
J: Well, I'm not glad to be back. I have work tomorrow.

So that was about the extent of his happiness in comparison to mine. Then for the rest of the night I lingered around him like a bad smell, asking him about his holiday all the while having a massive cheesy grin and stars sparkling in my eyes.. it was like meeting the Backstreet Boys or something equally as incredible.

Wednesday then brought about the return of the showers, and having my first high-pressured shower of hot water was my very own kind of heroin - be gone, red bucket! Once Jakob had retired to bed, I joined a multi-cultural group of students (Australia, America, Brazil, France, Italy, Turkey and Finland attended) to venture out to a Cuban bar for our Ella's birthday and take advantage of happy hour and cheap cocktails - what a great night! Ella has a motorised wheelchair and well, how could we not take advantage of that as well? Fun times were definitely had.

Happy Hour had surely turned into happy hours

Thursday arvo after class I returned to my dorm to find that I had forgotten my keys inside. So I messaged Jakob to see when he'd be coming home - "7pm". Devastating. Determined not to sit outside in the freezing snow waiting for him to come home, I texted Marc (the French) to see what he was doing and luckily he was "doing homework but its not very exciting", which I kind of just took as an acceptance to my visitation. I like Marc, he's one of the very few other foreigners who I think I'd be friends with in any circumstance. He had packets and packets of sour gummy lollies which we annihilated in a matter of minutes, and streetviewed Paris; he was my very own personal tour guide. After that, we lounged on his bed and watched Johnny Depp's romantic motion picture "Chocolat" which I absolutely loved. Cest la vie, oui?

That one's Marc.

Friday also delivered its goods. Clara returned from her vacation and again, I ran to the door but resisted bowling her over in all the flurry. It also meant I had to bid adieu to her plant which was kind of sad. The plant had pretty much been my only friend while my roomies were off having fun, frolicking in the sunnier parts of Europe. Pretty depressing, right? But I'd gladly swap vegetation for Clara anyday.

On a completely random note, check out my snow art from a week ago and then it today!

and now

I'll be meeting up with Steph for a glass of wine tonight with some of the other girls before heading out to "The Italian Party" which sounds messy. Then tomorrow morning I'll be missioning it out to Karlsruhe for the weekend to see Johannes before he leaves to China!

It's nice to be able to say that, things are finally going great.

* I over-exaggerate, I wasn't feeling that bad really. I have a feeling Germany will be fantastic.

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