Thursday 25 March 2010

I must, I must increase my bust.


.. and not my thighs and stomach as I have aggressively been doing.

If you are apparently what you eat, then I am the following:
  • French Cordon Bleu in spiced salsa sauce;
  • A Vegemite sandwich;
  • Famous German chocolate bar;
  • Four pieces of mini Chicken Schnitzels;
  • Mixed vegetables in tomato soup;
  • Fettucini Pasta authentically made by an Italian with all ingredients directly from Italy;
  • An Americanised stir-fry with chicken chunks, balsamic dressed veggies and rice;
  • Bacon, cheese and steak pan-fried tapa-thingos with creamy sauce;
  • A bottle of Merlot wine; and
  • Finnish pancakes with ice-cream, strawberry jam and 2 chocolate waffle sticks.
.. all within the span of 3 hours. Either I suffer in health or I suffer in soul, the devil really has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.

Finnish deliciousness

I must say that I blame Johnny for kick-starting my metamorphosis into the massive tub of lard that I'm destined to become (kidding, Johnny!). He had generously hosted a small farewell dinner for the finnish girls, Ella and Helmi, who are moving to another city in a few days after the language course finishes; Davide (a fantastic Italian cook) joined us for the festivities. Let's just say, the dinner was more than enough for us five .. and the rest of Darmstadt .. for a week.

Preparing the feast of all feasts.

Davide praying that there won't be any casualties from eating an avalanche of food.

Helmi and I mucking around in the shopping centre when we went to pick up the bottle of wine.

Despite eating 5 horses and chasing their jockeys, it was one of the most pleasant nights I've had here in a while. There's nothing like good food, good conversation, good wine and good company. And a food baby weighing 7 pounds 18.

It's a boy!

Oh and just for 'shits and giggles', a boo-boo of mine - pictures of Johnny's housemates flowers after I knocked the jar over and de-pettled the entire bunch of lillies... oops.

For the love of God, keep me away from all things beautiful...

1 things you've said:

Fammy 26 March 2010 at 8:27 am

you sure eat a lot cat
and your such an aussie eating a vegemite sandwich

did you smile and hand anyone else a vegemite sandwich?


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