Thursday 15 April 2010

Architects [are] Bazaar


Architects are so damn weird, I swear to God.

They do things differently, VERY differently. Unlucky for me, I'm part of this special department. While everyone here are TUD (Technische Universitรคt Darmstadt) follows the same proceedure for signing up to classes, the architects decide to be anomalous and hold an "Architecture Bazaar". I'll formulate a recipe for this Bazaar for easy following of this unorthodox method of student torture.

TUD's messed-up Architecture Bizarre

  1. Make students wake up at 7am in the morning and cram at least 300 people into a lecture room which can only hold approximately 200.
  2. Each lecturer takes a turn in presenting this semesters projects and seminars. Everything is spoken in German so for uncultured people as myself, the 4 hours of speeches provide very little gain.
  3. Finishing the speeches, students must all bolt down to the front of the room to grab a "nominations sheet" and write down the name of the projects which they want to participate in. These sheets are then shoved into a small box which is located in the next lecture hall. Can you just imagine the queues, pushing and shoving?
  4. After a lunch break, students will gather in another room where more projects and seminars are put up on display. Students are given a sheet of paper and must put down the subjects of interest once more.
  5. This is on a first in, first serve basis. Thus, it was chaos. With subject titles such as Praktische Stadtokologie Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung - I struggled, again.
  6. Some subjects offer only 1CP, some 2CP and some 4CP. As I needed 7CP to count for just ONE Australian subject, I needed to put down several options. These options needed to not only accumulate to 7CP but to also match up with subjects I was meant to do in Australia. Try finding "communication, negotiation and leadership" in a German technical university..

Fire safety issues?

There is no guarantee that you'll get the subjects you put down so everyone goes home, crosses their fingers and pray to God they get it. For me, I went home, crossed my fingers, begged to God, cried to Mother Mary and prayed on Rosemary beads that I get my subjects, because even if I don't get ONE out of the 10+ subjects I picked.. I'm screwed.

.. I'm screwed.

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