Saturday 17 April 2010

Frankfurt and Shiny Disco Balls


Mount your bikes and come to Frankfurt with us kiddies!

Somewhere, somehow, someone had heard on the grapevine of an international Light+Building Trade Fair for Architecture and Technology, which luckily for us was to be hosted by Frankfurt this year. So last night, a perfect dozen of us decided to go check it out.. on bicycle. I haven't ridden a bicycle in God knows how many years so I was surprised that I didn't face-plant it on the sidewalk or get hit by a bus or something, seriously.

Light+Building Trade Fair 2010

Actually, on the way to the train station, Victor decided to show us all his, ahem, awesome bicycle riding skills, and figured that it'd be a good idea to slide in between two of the other riders and hold on to them whilst trying to steer his bike with just his legs. A recipe for disaster; and as you guys probably assumed, they, and Victors bike, ate shit (figuratively speaking -- and is it just the Australians who use this phrase?). I was about two bikes behind them and as soon as I saw Victor's bike beginning to swerve, I abandoned ship by leaping off my bike and running away from it... onto the main road... onto the bus and tram line. Not the best choice I've made in my life out of all honesty - but I'm okay y'all!

A bike kaputt and 12 bike-riders on a train

Reaching the Frankfurt haupbahnhof (main train station), we departed the station in nothing flat, mounted our bikes and painted the town red.

Ready, steady.. NO NOT STEADY!

Being able to leisurely ride around the city, there were a few things about Frankfurt that I was able to soak up. Frankfurt, being an international powerhouse for finance and trade, flaunts the most imposing skyline in Germany. The first skyscrapers I've seen here since arriving; I had no idea that just from living here for just over a month, I'd find something so normal so abnormal now!

You ain't cool unless you pee your pants, I mean, ride a bike.

The Rhine River seemed to be the main attraction of most of the cities I've visited here so far, so yet again, I got to travel a fair distance of it. Though, the cycling was a nice healthy change. Not yet being able to locate this Light+Building Trade Fair, we instead stopped by at a sausage parlour and had delicious hotdogs instead. How German.

Enjoying some German sausages - do it on the daily.

Back on our bikes, we rode around a little more and suddenly heard faint music being played in the distance. Good choice to follow it, because celebrate-good-times, we found it! Now.. everyone take a guess on what you think a Light+Building Trade Fair for Architecture and Technology would be like.

Think this -- a group of hippies congregating and bouncing around a trolley (literally, like a shopping trolley) which holds a boom box playing what I can only describe as jungle music meets acid jazz.. with a hint of Bohemia. Then, the best part of it all is that there was a weird antennae looking thing which was erect from this trolley, and on top of the antennae was a disco ball. The disco ball, I kid you not, was about the size of a golf ball. It did rotate nonetheless.

What.. what the buck.

Oh, and then there was a lady holding a massive lit-up balloon close to this trolley. Pretty strange right?

It's a balloon.

Anyway we observed this for about a good 5 minutes before retiring back to the train station for the haul home. Eventful? No, not really. Fun? Yep, even still. Good Company? Most definitely. Healthy? Ahuh - obtained some sore bum cheeks for the weekend -- score!

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