Wednesday 28 April 2010

Wieners and Balls


"A high-brow is someone who looks at a sausage and thinks of Picasso."

Tis' the season to be .. barbecuing and volleyballing! You are most welcomed, Spring.

Saturday morning saw a few comatosed faces; party aftermath. Need greasy hangover food.. now!

"Shrimp on the barbie!"

... and here, exacerbating my bruised knees with volleyball. Seriously heart playing sport in Darmstadt.

Not having played volleyball in yonks, having black leg joints, and in addition to my lack of bodily coordination, I didn't suck that bad!

Carnivorous volleyball, win or be eaten.

Sundays are the best. Usually my neighbours and roomies all hang out together. By hang out, we mean loiter around in Stefan's room and annoy him when clearly he yearns to sleep his life away. This Sunday though, Jakob invited a few of his friends around and we enjoyed a nice BBQ out on the lawn. And how German is this.. 12pm pre-drinks!

My best ... German... impression. Politically incorrect.

Wieners, salad, beer followed by night-time shisha - the joys of life.

Dancing is my number one love. That was my first goal as a child. I would love to do stage, maybe do Chicago. I love being in front of an audience. It's so stimulating. I also love to barbecue.

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