Tuesday 27 April 2010

What Fart? Party Mexican... TO EGG!


Direct Translation of: Que Pedo? Fiesta Mexican... A HUEVO!
The less literal translation of: What's up? Mexican Party... F**K YES!


“Hallo Leute!!!

Well, since last semester's party was a huge success and acceptance according to our statistics, we think it's right about time to let chaos take control of the humble place we live in... plus, there are no exams (that means, no excuses ;)), classes are just starting, so there's plenty of party spirit and little desire to study and it's a great way to show our recently unpacked mexican "compadres" how people have fun here...

So, we'll be taking care of the "alcoholic issues" for a while... As always, this is an open invitation so if you wanna bring people that you know can behave even under the influence of alcohol, feel more than free do so. - FYI: this is a theme party, so bring any green, white or red outfit (can be a t-shirt, jeans, or both if you want to) you have. See you guys around!!!


Everybody get your sombreros, ponchos and tacos on and jump up let’s get crazy! Undoubtedly the most anticipated party in my humble town here in Germany. So much so that conversations here merely consisted of “Hey, how are you?” “Great! See you at the Mexican Party?” “Yep! See you then!” ...Literally.

My authentic Mexican friend Andor (I’m not too sure why I chucked the word authentic as an adjective in there, but it completely made sense at the time) and I decided to go on a hunt for Mexican paraphernalia to pacify ourselves after a torturous German class that Friday afternoon. And well, how could you not get sidetracked and run amuck in a party shop like this one?

Because we CAN!

So after about an hour of trying on every wig and costume the store had, I left with a showbag consisting of red, green and white of body paint, fabric paint, streamers and gummy bears – whadddddup! And seriously, just look at how amazing us girls looked.

Costume Party! ... for us anyway...

After a tantalizing stir-fry dinner at Rosa’s place and completing our outfits, we thought it’d be time to show our faces. Being fashionably late didn’t quite work out this time round, as our grand entranced was just ambushed by the sheer number of people who had decided to rock up – my God! Despite having very little floor area to work with, we fist pumped our way through and, lets not lie, the party don’t start til (..we) walk in!

We like to party, we like - we like to party!

The crowd was insane. There were just leute (people, by the way) everywhere! Meny’s apartment was big but not that big, and soon, it became a little chaotic and pushing and shoving started to occur. For about a period of 30 seconds, the pushing had become so crazed that I couldn’t even breathe. Frantically looking around for someone or something that could help me out, I found it in the form of an open window. And that’s when it happened. The tale of how a window kicked my ass.

Taking one step up onto the window ledge and hoisting myself up, I was already smelling success of escape. Perhaps I had prematurely celebrated because as soon as I inched forward, my foot slipped out forward and I had landed in a splattered mess out onto a crowded balcony where people had been innocently enjoying their drinks. Token drunk bitch. I picked myself off the ground, did one of those really awkward laughs and limped over to a chair and slumped into a mortified heap. Ahhh sheisse, so much for first impressions.

No more "on your knees" jokes!

After having several people come up to me and check on my status, I decided to go back inside (via a door) in bloodied jeans - which completely negated all that humiliation in the end come to think of it. God show Mercy! I started to feel the pushing again, but this time it was coupled with a chant of “TABLAS! TABLAS! TABLAS! TABLAS!”

Looking up over the crowd to see what was going on, I saw two large planks of wood descending the stairs. Roberta and I weaved ourselves through the crowd to the front and managed to secure the first two of these rounds - and it so made up for all that dignity lost!

I just don’t know how to really put this party into words. The night was just filled with dancing, chanting, singing, hugging, and most importantly (pap–paparazzi!) party pics! It was so good that Steph and I didn’t even want to leave (we live at the same student residence) but ever so reluctantly we managed to drag our asses out and catch the bus home at around 6am in the wee hours of the morning.

"Mexican by naturalisation"

E. P. I. C.

My favourite picture of Luchador Burelo

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