Monday 19 April 2010

Sun.. Sun.. Sunday!


There's something I need to just let off my chest, and I don't care what you guys all think. To that someone special.. I've really really missed you. Since leaving Australia, I can't stop thinking about you. Without you, my world is dark and my skies are grey. Literally. Believe me when I say - I love you, sun. Thanks for a wonderful Sunday ;-)

The day of the sun

Breaking news from Darmstadt Where-the-sun-don't-shine, we've had phantasmagorical weather for the past few days - all inclusive of sun, warmth, and the timely blooming of spring flowers.. AMAZEBALLS!!! I can't contain my excitement, seriously. I feel like I make such a big deal about the weather living here, but guys seriously, try living in a country where the sun refuses to shine for weeks on end. Its depressing - not figuratively speaking. I was speaking to a Brazilian girl, who like us, was use to sunshine almost 24/7. Sunshine through clouds, rain, hail.. everything. Sun so severe it can penetrate through your clothing. Anyway, she told me she actually did get depressed through the winter here so I really did thank the Gods above I missed the worst of it. I actually, truly believe, that no sun strips you of energy, you just don't want to do anything but lie in bed and snuggle. At times like these I wish I had a boyfriend but for now, bear-wanna-be-penguin will do.

He listens so attentively to everything I say..

Both days of the weekend, my roomies and neighbours have had breakfast - wait, brunch - wait, lunch .. wait... okay the first meal of the day at 14:30 - out on the balcony to soak in all the sun we possibly can. I can't even remember the last time I had a proper meal outside in the sunlight. It was incredible. Inconceivable.

Nom nom nom

After our Sunday facestuff-fest, a large group of us, correction: all of Darmstadt, flocked to the Herrngarten which is one of the oldest and biggest parks in the city. Its direct translation is Gentlemen's Garden because, actually quite coincidently, many many years ago each Sunday gentlemen and their ladies would come to this are with all intentions to just simply enjoy the place. And on this Sunday, enjoy the place us ladies and gentlemen did.

Pullin' up a patch of grass and pluckin' at some strings, such is the Darmstadt life.

Besides trying to inconspicuously (or if you maintained your beach body throughout the winter, very much conspicuously) get a tan, the day was so filled with activity and simple sports which I hadn't even seen, yet played, for so long. It's what I love the most about living here in Darmstadt actually, the people are a "different crowd" to what I'm use to. Throwing a frisbee, playing air pingpong/tennis, strumming on guitars, riding bikes, volleyball, card games, clapping games - it's just oh-so COOL.

Enjoying the simple things in life... and losing weight while at it!

On the topic of people here, I'm finding that the more people I meet, the more my faith is being restored into humankind (don't worry, I'm not going to reveal any life epiphanies here). It's merely the fact of meeting so many people from different walks of life and getting to know their outlook on life and living. I'm beginning to really see that "doing something" with friends doesn't need to involve alcohol, night time or money. I have a great example of this but I'll tell you after inserting a few more photos to break up this paragraph. Keeps you guys interested right? Akin to kiddies reading a picture book.

The cool kids do it.

I met this guy at the Italian party that I told you guys about last month. He was just dancing around, drinking, partying, having a great time, smiling, laughing, jumping about, etcetera etcetera. Easily the hottest guy I've seen here in Darmstadt too, without a doubt. So, as a matter of usual practice, I automatically assumed the following: hot guy = douche.

Anyway, I bumped into this guy on several occasions, always the life of the party, up on stage at the karaoke bar.. everywhere I went. Each time he'd have his posse, and they'd always be bouncing around everywhere, making jokes, singing super loudly, trying to charm people.. ugh, sleaze-balls! I just remember everytime seeing him, I'd tsk and roll my eyes.


The day we went to Cologne, I arrived at the train station and saw him there and just thought, GREAT. He was the one who started all the singing and yelling like I had told you all about. Was this guy seriosuly drunk at 6am in the morning?! But proceeded on with the day I did.

I remember saying to myself on the train to Cologne that I was going to put in a effort to get to know everyone who was there with us, and one of the first people I spoke to was a pleasant guy from Brazil who was friends with him. We spoke in broken porteuñolish which was difficult to the max, but there was one sentence I caught that just astonished me. He told me that his friend in subject didn't actually drink at all, and hasn't had a lick of alcohol for several years. WHAT?!


Naturally, the next person I was intrigued on approaching was him himself, and lo and behold, truth. For no medical reason, for no religious reason, for no health reason, the boy just didn't drink. I couldn't comprehend this whatsoever. He was always the life of the party.

I actually got inspired. He had learnt over the years on how to have fun without alcohol, and how to in fact have more fun than the people who were drinking! The whole bouncing around thing, its all attributed to energy. The kid just has so much energy, and really is simply a bundle of joy. He turned out to be a rather reserved kind of person, and the getting on stage for karaoke was just a show of confidence which I'm sure he has had to build up in order to keep up with the drunks around him. You can tell when you talk to him, that he is the sweetest soul. He just wants to make people smile and life by showing his own infectious smile and laughter. What an incredible outlook on life.

So there it is. Just 5 minutes ago I'm pretty sure I told you I wasn't going to babble on about life epiphanies but I guess I did, oops. I sure hope it was worth the read though because I try myself, and even preach to others, to give people a chance. You really don't know someone until you put in the time and effort. People are constantly surprising me, sometimes in bad ways yes. But when you find little diamonds here and there, it really makes it worth doing. You learn and you grow, and you open your mind up to so much more.

Ahh, life, so beyond words. So surprisingly wonderful.

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