Monday 26 April 2010

Hump Day


An American English idiom for Wednesday, the middle of the week, implying that you have to get "over the hump" before you can anticipate the weekend. The term was not originally intended to carry a second, more risque meaning.

What is Switching Tables? It is a three course dish which takes place in three flats. You prepare one dish together with your partner in your flat for two other teams, either starters, main or dessert. The general gist of it is to get to know new students, existing students and other university students around a good meal. To take place: Wednesday 21st April 2010.

Whether it's Australians being lazy Australians, Steph and I missed registration date and so no switching tables for us.. oops.

Instead, a small group of us congregated to Steph's apartment where she held her own version of switching tables. We got to indulge in some German maultaschen (delicious jumbo sized raviolis), salad and red wine - a pretty good alternative I must say.

Maultaschens are God's gift to Germans

Dinner scoffed, we started getting ready for Stella and student night.. it's party time people! No humps for us today!

Could it really just be Australians being Australians again, but 11:00pm is a good time to go out, right?

WRONG! We walked into to the club where everyone was going to meet. Uhm, actually, we walked into an empty club where the dance floor was still rugged and couched. Does Europe just simply fail to understand that humans are not nocturnal creatures?!

After returning from a lets-kill-time adventure to the ATM, we came back and luckily some people had started to arrive. We made idle talk with some acquaintances for about an hour before everyone started filing in. Once the place was jam-packed, and you could barely move, nor catch a gasp of fresh air.. it was such a fun night!

Some mother f**kers think they're born to dance!

Oh and, in case I haven't told you all, I'm slowly decreasing my alcohol intake and totally succeeding! I only had a couple of drinks that night which is a pretty major achievement seeing as I can drink (.. or skull) booze like water until I just get sloozy and cab myself home. Snaps for Cat!

Just dance - gonna be okay!

The next day, despite massive sleep deprivation, I made it out at night again to a BBQ with Stefan, Clara and their friends out in woop woop which was really nice. There was a battle between the girls and guys on what to watch on t.v at prime time - Germany's Next Top Model or a Soccer Match? The guys won, quite devastating.. but the worst part was that they didn't even keenly watch it (as us girls would've done with Top Model!). Boo!

Some of the very few photos I took - I'm getting lazy with my camera guys! No!

As a few Mexicans had arrived early for tomorrows epic party, the existing Mexicans decided to take them out. I left the BBQ slightly early (early being like.. 11pm remember) and made it out to An Sibin to meet them for karaoke night again, woo! Karaoke night is always great. There's nothing like singing to the Backstreet Boys on a Thursday night and having people call you and the other Aussie "Outback Girls". Because, you know, we all live in the outback there down under..

Oh speaking of, I saw this poster a friend had up on his apartment wall and thought it was just legendary:

"When the Prime Minister of Australia said that the country was full, even the kangaroos had a laugh".

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