Sunday 25 April 2010

I Don't Cook. I Assassinate Food.


"I use a smoke alarm as a timer."

Having mexican friends has more benefits than one could imagine. For example, por ejemplo, zum Biespiel: How to make ridiculously awesome tortillas.

Tuesday night, I decided to cook for my roomies and the girls next door after learning from a Mexican amigo of mine. Now usually, this in itself is a recipe for disaster, but I was determined execute such plan.

Once all shopped out at Aldi, I began my mix. A little too watery to begin with, but with another half a bag of flour - perfecto! I chopped up four large steak pieces and prepared everything for the pan. The most fun part of it all was actually turning the little dough balls into flat pancake-looking kids. How? I placed them between grease-proof paper, place it on the ground, placed a wooden cutting board over them and jumped for joy.

Please see photo below for show of good little balls of to-be deliciousness.

Andele, andele!

With a little help from Clara, the meat was cooked, the tortillas fried and the table set - inclusive of three different types of sauces, shredded cheese and salads. I didn't burn down the kitchen, and satisfied 6 stomachs. Let us all join in in singing praise to the Lord!

My cooking skills are super cool!!!!!

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