Sunday 9 May 2010



Lobo: "Cat, do you wanna go to a spa and sauna place today?"
Me: "Yeah sure!"
Lobo: "Okay cool, it's called the Jugendstilbad."
Me: "Is this one of those sauna places where boys and girls go together naked?"
Lobo: "No, don't think so."

Liar! I have never seen so many old-man doodles in my life. Ewwwww.

This pool at least had clothed people.

Although, the place itself was pretty cool. There was a hot spa in a dark enclosed area there which when you put your head under the water, you can hear music. Not the 50-cent kind of music which would have been pretty hilarious but it was cool nonetheless!

Hey shawty, it's your Birthday!

Everyone else there were Brazilian, and the Brazilians are always a bundle of joy. I wanted to make this one guy laugh so I grabbed his legs and started tickling his feet. He retaliated by grabbing my head and holding it under the bubbling high-pressured water. I don't think I've drunk so much H20 in my life.. through my nose. Like I say, the Brazilians are just wonderful.

It's odd that it was odd to be the odd one out by wearing clothing. Braving nudity, I spent a good hour or so lazing stark naked in the saunas surrounded by other naked people. So strange.

Would've bought my camera into this one just to show you how cool the place was, but in an attempt to not get arrested here, I did not. You'll all just have to check it out for yourselves!

Toodles to the doodles!

2 things you've said:

Unknown 18 May 2010 at 8:28 pm

I didnt know people hanged out naked there.
But anyway, its just on the sauna! And it was so much steam you couldnt realy see anything... =]

Ah yea... after a while I went to the sauna too..
Naked!! hahahahahha
Was fun!

Cat 19 May 2010 at 1:11 pm

How could you not note the abundance of naked people there?!

But you're right, only in the saunas and not the spas... still, there are about 10 or so saunas there so I count that as most of the place.

Yay to our nudity!

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