Friday 28 May 2010

Boozy Woozies in Frankfurt


"Being drunk is a good disguise. I drink so I can talk to assholes. This includes me."

Some, ahem 2 months ago, it was Ines' and Carlos' Birthday and a group of us decided to swing out to Frankfurt to celebrate - "something different for a change". Yes, it was indeed different. On so many levels. On a "I will never get that drunk again, no I meant it, no this time I REALLY mean it" - kind of level. Actually, wait, that's not anything different... anyway.

The story starts with a trouble-free train ride out to Frankfurt. Once at Frankfurt, we realised that no one had taken the initiative in google-mapping the address of the restaurant (in fact, we didn't even have the address at all, go team) to which we had made a reservation at. So after walking a marathon around the city and asking almost every pedestrian we came across - success! We finally found it! Well no, no we hadn't. We found another restaurant from the same chain but at this hour of the night, it'll just have to do.

"He was the food bank. We're all still in a state of shock."

Ines had organised for the group to go to one of the best clubs here called Cocoon. Completely to no bafflement whatsoever, we were yet again, left directionless. What we weren't left without however my friends, were about 7 or so 2 litre bottles of rum and colas, vodka and sprites and well God knows what else. Someone had actually taken along some paper cups as well - how German is that? You decide to be a dirty cheap drunk by mixing drinks and pouring them into used soft drink bottles - but please, at least be an efficient drunk. Needless to say, the journey to Cocoon was not by any means a drag. It went something like:
  • Catch a train to this station
  • Missed our stop
  • Caught the train back
  • Missed the stop again
  • Jumped on another line going completely the wrong way
  • Getting off at a random station
  • Get pissed off at each other
  • Jump in cabs
  • Have the cardinal drunken conversation
  • Pissed off the driver
"The trouble with trouble is that it usually starts out as fun."

Oh and sometime between all that, Joao had scaled the tallest bridge in Frankfurt (sloshed) without killing himself, bravo dear.

"Do not stand in a place of danger trusting in miracles."

After getting dropped off/kicked out of the cab by the taxi driver we all stumbled into Cocoon. Thank God for pre-ordering tickets, there would have been no way we would've been let in in this state.

"Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance."

Oh, and after about 5 minutes of dancing, Joao and I took a snooze slash kinda passed out on some comfy chairs in the club. Twenty euros well spent, I say.

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