Friday 14 May 2010

Life is Several Big Rollercoaster Rides


"Youth is such a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children."

One lazy Sunday whilst chilling out at Karlshof, Meny approaches me with uncontainable excitement in his eyes and says, "Hey Cat what are you doing Monday? Because we're going to a theme park!"


Germany's biggest theme park!

I know I told you that I'd never wake up at 5am to go travelling ever again. Well I didn't, I woke up at 4:30am instead. FML. We boarded the regional train and took a 4 hour trip to Freiberg. Despite another rude awakening, we were a group of over-aged teenagers heading to an amusement park - how could we not be excited?

Looking like crap at 4:30 in the morning.. or should I just speak for myself?

Running through the gates just minutes after opening hours, we hastily rushed into the first attraction we saw - the haunted house. What a poor choice for our first ride, it sucked. I think Sophia had more fun sitting in this stationary car.


After that poor excuse of a 'ride', we decided to stick to the "thrill tour" and make sure that we fit in all the 'high thrill' rated rides. Rollercoaster after rollercoaster after rollercoasted, I was pleasantly (... or frightningly) surprised by how much fun these cheap thrills were, and I had managed to keep all the contents of my stomach where they belonged. These rollercoaster rides are out of this world - faster than usual, longer than usual, and more unusual than usual. We screamed our little lungs out, which is hilarious especially when the thrill does not match up to the decibels.. we were not dissapointed by any means!

I'm twentytwoteen okay?

We had left the water rides until the end because the thought of wet bums on the way home was not very enticing. The boys told us girls that they needed a quick bathroom break. In fact, that had actually went into the toilets to change into boardies.. did someone say SUPER CUTE?!

Something about chaffing... yeah okay.

After getting drenched in water from the rides, we decided to go on a few "airy" rides to dry ourselves off. One of these rides happened to be the pirate ship - we all know what ship I'm talking about. I sat next to - maybe I should name names... a friend, who is a boy, and the whole time he was complaining about how the ride brought pain to his testicles. It was just too hilarious. But I guess I'll never understand so perhaps I shouldn't laugh.


Jetzt.. Alles Zusammen!

Oh Germany how I love how mother nature loves you. In true style, it rained. Did it stop us? Heck no!

Germany - where rain follows you like a bad smell.

You guys all know what 4D movies are, right? It's basically a 3D movie with feelings. So in the movie, if someone jumps into the water, you get splashed with real water. Anyway, we watched a 4D kiddies cartoon movie called "Sammie's Great Adventure" about a turtle's first encounter with humans. In one part of the movie, there was a giant snake - and we all know how much I just love snakes.. *shudder* - who was talking to Sammie. The snake was just slitthering around and suddenly it just hisses and snaps at Sammie! And when this happened, there was a piece of plastic string below our chairs that slapped our legs at that instance! Holy moley I think I screamed the loudest the whole day right there and then... during Sammie's Big Adventure.

This is why I'm hot.

Following a few more rides to take the day right up to closing hours, we missioned it back home.

Being a kid again was incredible. I want nothing more in life than to keep finding joy in simple thrills. And well, a bed for 5 hour train trips after being awake for 16 hours straight would be nice too.

A carriage of Kaputtness

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