Saturday 29 May 2010

Schloss Grab My WHAT?!


Schloss = Castle. Graben = Moat. Fest = Festival.

Kick starting 10 years ago, the Schlossgrabenfest has slowly but surely become Hessen's biggest music festival. Every year during the last weekend in May, Darmstadt is packed with around 500,000 music fans, and the festival dominates life in the city for four long days. Welcome to Darmstadt's annual (and totally free!) Castle Moat Festival!

"The crowd makes the ballgame."

My neighbour Marieke's Birthday happened to fall on the Saturday night of the epic 4 day bender, and so it gave us a chance to misbehave just that little bit more than usual. And I guess the misbehaviour began with our penis card.

*Will not insert inappropriate caption*

Stefan, Clara and I put on our thinking caps and thought real hard about this card, and man we were so pleased with the outcome! Out.. come.. ha. ha. ha. Anyway it eventuated much like so:

Cat: Lets make a pop-up card! What object should we make pop out? A heart? A cake?
Stefan: A penis!
Clara: Oooohhhh Stefan!!!
Cat: Wait, it's not a bad idea! It'll be really funny! Here, draw a penis on this piece of paper and I'll cut it out.
*Stefan draws several doodles to make sure we have the perfect one, inclusive of testicles and pubic hairs. And condom.*
Cat: Now what do we write in it?
*Group giggles at all our inappropriate suggestions.*
Clara and Stefan: Okay, we've got it. Well we need to say something on the card telling her that her present is coming in the mail or she'll think we didn't get her anything. So what about this? [In german, front page] Here's a coupon for a "very special" present that's coming in the mail... [inside card] For now, you can play with this!

And yes, she immediately thought that she was going to receive a dildo in the post. But no, we're not that bad. We ended up getting her a Mario Kart game instead so we can rock it out on Nintendo! Anyway after the card giving, we went loco on the tequila shots.. but of course.

"When life hands you lemons - break out the tequila and salt."

Finally making it out to the Schlossgrabenfest (still find it really cool that it was completely free!), naturally, we lost each other, ate "ekka" food, joined the moshpit, got our feet trampled on, suffocate in bad body odour, ate candy, drank beer.. naturally!

"Those who danced are thought to be quite insane by those who cannot hear the music."

Really great thing, this Schlossgrabenfest, you know?

"It's a funny story. It's not a self-aggrandising one."

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