Tuesday 18 May 2010

Watching Paint Dry.. and Begin to Peel.


"I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm."

I'm usually okay with time; the keyword here being usually. I gave myself one hour between arriving at the Amsterdam airport, picking up my bag which I left in a locker and walking to the terminal. For a 1.5 hour flight, that's a pretty decent amount of time, right? Wrong.

I arrived at the Amsterdam airport, that went fine. I navigated my way to where the lockers were and pulled out my ticket. Okay B24. B24… B24… OH MY GOD WHAT THE FIRETRUCK? B24 you bastard, you have an open swinging door. You're bagless. Panic button, panic button!


I just stood there for a good 10 seconds with my bottom jaw locked in shocked stupidity. When my brain started functioning again, I ran from one info desk to another info desk… to another info desk. No offence to any of you public servants, but it was like calling the Development and Planning Department in Council, in other words - "but I think Jane from Department B might know. Here I'll put you through".

Finally finding the man who takes cares of baggage lockers located in section B of area 2 of airport terminal 5, whom may I add inefficiently had his office some one kilometre away from the lockers, he asked me to show him where I had placed my luggage. Walking him back, walking him very quickly back to where my bag was stored, I marched up to my locker, ready to scream "Look fool! See what I see?! Emptiness! COMPENSATE!"

But ohhhh my life. Instead, I walked up to the locker and found a closed locker. Hmm. He scanned my ticket and the door opened - and yep - my bag was in there. I looked at him with the most apologetic eyes and could only muster an "Ahh sorry, I'm an idiot". B24 was uhm, what I thought to be B25. I rock!

Effing hate lockers, I swear.

So run Forest, run! Bravo, I made it to my gate while people were finishing boarding the craft - phew! Onto my shitty Ryan Air plane and sitting in my shitty Ryan Air seat. Little did I know that I would have to sit here, on the tarmac, stationary, for one freakin hour; the plane was unusually delayed. Ryan Air has a track record for always being on time, damnit! Despite the late departure, the flight was trouble-free.

The first time seeing sun in Europe

Making it to Frankfurt airport, I ran my little heart out to the Airport's train station via a skytrain and metres and metres of tunnels, only to see the Darmstadt train close its doors and make its way on. You know when you run for the bus or something and you actually make it to the front door but the driver drives off anyway? Well that was me.

So I wanted to stab my eye/waited at the Frankfurt Airport station which by the way isn't even remotely close to the main Frankfurt station (Frankfurt am Main), for one freaking' hour, at midnight, freezing cold. Think happy things, happy things, happy things. Maybe listening to all the most gayest songs on my iPod might help. Now I know what you're thinking, all my music is gay. But children I'm talking gayer than usual. Anyway, it didn't help. Sigh. Train came, uneventful trip to Frankfurt am Main.

Effing hate trains, I swear.

At Frankfurt haupbahnhof, I had 2 minutes to transfer trains. That's more than enough time to walk to the adjoining platform right? Well, right. BUT the electronic board to my platform said that the train was departing... and heading to a city in the other direction. What the hell's going on?! Ma-ma.. boo hoo.

After running to every single platform to read which train went to Darmstadt, I still couldn't find it. Goddamn, it would've left by now anyway. So, again, another hour's wait. Cold, bored, pissed off. Train came, uneventful trip to Darmstadt.

Tea is drunk to forget the din of the world...

Got to Darmstadt at some God awful hour and of course, the first tram back home wasn't to come for a while. Actually, I had decided on the train back to Darmstadt that no matter what, I was gonna get the first taxi I see, no matter if I could get the tram anyway. I just wanted someone to take me home to the comfort of my bed *sob*. I just want cuddles with my penguin -- is that too much to ask?!

Let me go home. I've had my run, baby I'm done. I gotta go home.

So here's sending a big EFF YOU to public transport.

I want my mummy.

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