Thursday 20 May 2010

Prague is the Paris of the 90's


I hate myself. Leaving this thing untouched for so long was a horrible idea. There was too much self-pressure to keep this thing updated and it was avalanching on top of me, almost to the point where I wanted to abandon ship! But here I am again. Why? I need to have something relatively intellectual to occupy myself with because annoying my housemates when they have an exam tomorrow is so very bad of me. Anyway, I think theres a minority out there who reads my crap so it's not a complete waste of time. So now, I must write about something that happened 53 days ago (don't hurt me!) and it's going to fry my already fried brain.

Yes, some 55 days ago I hear Miguel, Andor and Pancho talking about a road trip that they will embark into the Czech Republic within the next few days. "Aw, I wanna go to Prague!", I whined. "Then come!". The rest was history, so they say.

"Are we theeere yeeeeet?", "Cat shut the hell up".

A few hours into our car trip over the borders to East Europe, I wake up and find that it's getting dark outside and we've pulled up into a petrol station. "What's going on guys?", I ask in a semi-conscious daze. "We're lost".

"How many Mexicans does it take to read a map?"

Miraculously, some 7 hours later of back-tracking, navigating, arguing and having our iPod re-loop itself 3 times over, we finally made it to the city centre. Parking our car in the closest parking lot we could find, we started our mission of finding some cheap and available accommodation. Can I just say.. my God is Prague beautiful by night.

"People don't like the true and simple; they like fairy tales and humbug".

The clock neared midnight and we hadn't found any availabilities whatsoever. Sheisse. I had the idea of driving a little further out and seeking some beds outside the city centre but the boys couldn't be bothered and in the end, they convinced me that the seat of a car was indeed, a perfectly suitable bed. Parking our car under the famous Charles Bridge, I folded down my chair and uhm, almost broke my back trying to get some shut eye.

Never again.

The next morning we woke up early and decided to take part in the free tours offered to a few selected cities of Europe. These tours have always been quite good so despite feeling dirty from last nights episode, I was pumped for the city walk!

"A lot of people would rather tour sewers than visit their cousins."

First destination: The Astronomical Clock in Prague. Now this clock is special kids. Mounted on the Old Town City Hall, the clock has three main components: the astronomical dial which represents the Sun and Moon in the sky, the "Walk of the Apostles" which shows hourly figures of the Apostles and finally the Calendar dial with medallions representing months of the year. The best part, and possibly what draws the herds of tourists to this clock, is that it announces every hour with 12 apostles (moving statues) passing by a window above the clock and a chicken/crow/whatever which marks this hour by belting out a horrible sound. Actually, I can't really tell you what's so fantastic about it in all seriousness, but it's pretty looking!

"A watched clock never tells the time".

So the tour went on - I don't want to say uneventfully but it was any ordinary tour.. visit this, visit that. By no means did that mean that there was nothing to see. Prague is simply amazing. My friend best described it by saying that it was "such a fairy tale city".

"Eastern Europe has been really trendy".

I'm assuming you guys have all seen Eurotrip right? Well the whole thing was filmed here in Prague! So there really isn't anywhere in this city which could ever be boring. I mean, look at this dementor looking thing below.. just fascinating.

"It's not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving".

Uhm, I'm not too sure about what to write here.. so uhh.. hey look pretty pictures!

"Look - I'm not an intellectual. I just take photos".

Following a very VERY decent sleep the next day (at student dormitories - Miguel had some friends living in Prague who we couldn't get in touch with the previous day), we woke up super late in the afternoon and pretty much wasted our last day in Prague - though may I add, the sleep was much needed. We agreed that the one thing we needed to visit before returning back to Darmstadt was the famous "Kid of Prague" within the Our Lady of Victory Church.

Having driven around the "general" area of the Church for some time in search of this kid, we finally decided to ask the police for directions.

"Good day, do you know where the Kid of Prague is?"
"Uhh.. the what?!"
"The Kid of Prague."
"Do you mean Child Jesus?"
*The Kid of Prague is actually Baby Jesus?! Good one Miguel!*

Infant Jesus of Prague: Many people who have prayed to God before the statue have had their prayers answered in miraculous and unusual ways.

After attending a mass ceremony, we headed home. The boys were sad to leave Prague, not for the city itself but in fact because of the women of Prague. Perverts. But okay yes, I admit, they really do breed supermodels there.

"Prague has some tip-top models. Any more top and they'd tip."

Oh did I say that we headed home? Due to our delightful GPS system, we in fact headed into the woods, so back-tracked to Prague, but then into some farms, again back-tracking to Prague, then into a construction site, again, back-tracking to Prague. It was a miracle that after all that, we found ourselves cruising along the correct highway home.

The car got so much ass that weekend ;-)

"You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive."

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