Monday 3 May 2010

I Left My Heart in Heidelberg


I, Catherine Pham, do solemly swear to never abandon my blog, for a period of longer than 14 days, that I take this obligation freely, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of principle and sole blogger. So help me God.

Now, down to business.

Two weeks ago (I know, I know!) a group of the "new" students disembarked on a school excursion to a city in Germany of magnificent antiquity that is Heidelberg. Oooh Heidelberg, how I love you! A city boasting a world-famous castle, Germany's oldest university and for lanes steeped in history in the Old Town, Heidelberg was also one of larger cities in Germany which escaped from being blown into oblivion during the World War. And thank the heavens above because the beauty of the place is just phenomenal.

Beauty captures your attention but personality captures your heart.

Oh and despite the randomness I thought this was totally amazeballs - Heidelberg is the home of a professional Quidditch team operating within the fictional Harry Potter universe. The "Heidelberg Harriers" have been described as "fiercer than a dragon and twice as clever" by Irish Captain Darren O'Hare. In 1953, they played a 7-day match against the "Holyhead Harpies" that they lost when Harpie seeker Glynnis Griffiths caught the Golden Snitch. .. ... .


How do I describe the tour? I dunno, it was like fat camp or something I swear. We just walked, and walked... annnnd walked. For 6 friggin' hours. Nah, I'm just being whiney. I'm glad we did. I got to see so much of the city and in all it's geriatric European glory. Oh have I ever mentioned that I might just be in love with Europe? He completes me.

Who do I call if I wanna call Europe?

And I found this amazing shop which had a Mother's Day display so hilarious. The guy in the photo with me is Miguel. He's a good friend of mine here in Darmstadt. Anyway when we killed ourselves climbing the never-ending cathedral staircase in Cologne, I said to him "Mama, kaufst du mir ein bett!" which means "Mum, buy me a bed!". Makes no sense at all but ever since then I've called him Mama. Mama gives me weekly spanish lessons as well, so, naturally, I love Mama!

"Mothers are fonder than fathers of their children because they are more certain they are their own."

Take a look at these great shots below of the Erasmus students and then the one of the Mexicans and I being losers. See that castle at the top of the mountain? We're just about to climb it...

Alles Zusammen!

I. Have. Never. Been. In. So. Much. Pain.
It. Is. One. Steep. Mothertrucker.

2044, 2045, 2046...

But as I have found with most of my little adventures and climbing expeditions here in Germany, the view is always better from the top. And who needs legs anyway?

I like it when I'm on top.. of Heidelberg Castle.

Exhaustion caused by walking on an incline is best rewarded with home-made cajeta. What is cajeta I hear you ask? Cajeta is a mexican confection of thickened syrup usually made of sweetened caramelized milk. In other words: pure deliciousness.

Cajeta and I sharing an intimate moment..

To no surprise, on our descent it starting pissing down rain. Welcome to Germany everybody. But as you can see in the following image, I went well prepared and lucky for Mama, he can stand under my umbrella -ella -ella -ay -ay -ay -ay.

Rain, rain, go away, you'll come again tomorrow anyway.

We have hunger!
Answer me two questions:
  1. What do Germans drink?
  2. What do Germans eat?
2/2 Well done kiddos!

Answer: Sausages and Beer

The boys decided to try the strongest beer in the world. At 33% alcohol level, yep, it's disgusting.

Death by Wetter 33

After dinner, the tour guides gave us two options - head home or stay in Heidelberg and head to the "Tanz in den Mai" (Dance into May) which, oh my God, how do I even explain this event...

In almost all regions of Germany, the night from April 30 to May 1 is the night when apparently witches are reputed to hold a large celebration on mountainous regions and await the arrival of spring. It's customary to light huge fires and play pranks or something strange like that.. but generally young people just use this opportunity to party. Interestingly, Adolf Hitler committed suicide on this night which I think is just down to coincidence however it has been argued that the day was an occult initiation of Hitler. But whatever, I hate Hitler.

Sorry back on track, did someone say party? DID SOMEONE SAY PARTY?! Of course I was going to go!

Boy oh boy! I have NEVER been to a party like this one. After another 2 hours of walking up even steeper terrain to get to the top of the mountain (the number of times I actually thought about abandoning the walk and just going back down.. sheesh) we finally arrived at some kind of large, stone, open air amphitheatre.. something reminiscent of a coliseum. There were, no joke, probably over 10,000 people there, ready to just get buzzed, get drunk, get crunk, get faaarked up!

Insanity. Das ist alles.

It was just incredible. Someone please tell me why Australia does not have anything like this? Below are some photo-steals I took from Javi, which shows what the place looked like during the day. Just look at us Darmstadt kids, aren't we cute?

Spanks for involuntarily lending me these photos, Javi!

The night progressed super duper quickly. Dancing around the large bonfire = fun. The fire-twirling show = awesome. The bohemian, jungle, bongo-drum music = energetic. The company = always fantastic. The crowd = on fiiiiire (perhaps even literally in some instances)!!! Staying up til 6am in the morning without a lick of alcohol? Perfectly fine. The poor guy below? "Taxi!"

When the wine is in, the wit is out.

What a momentous night. I just seriously can't believe how lucky I am to be able to experience things like this. I just feel so grateful for every single thing that's happening to me here in Germany!

Brisbanites, where are you when I need you!? There's really nothing that could be more perfect than having you guys here. In the meantime, keep living vicariously through these blogs - its my way of taking you there!

On a final note: Mama forgot a jacket and had to use my pajama pants all night to warm his arms. Made the best call: "I knew I'd get into Cat's pants by the end of the night". Too funny for words (yes, I see the irony in that statement).

Nowadays I can't even get into my own pants.

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